It was a heartwarming event filled with tears of joy after over 13 years of working in unimaginable circumstances to alleviate the suffering of the most vulnerable in Syria. Many of our UOSSM doctors risked their lives in service of others.

Our former president Dr. Monzer Yazji, and co-founder bid his family farewell as he wasn’t sure if he would ever see them again. He snuck into Syria by boat, risking his life to help the people who were being bombarded, indiscriminately by airstrikes, barrel bombs, and chemical weapons.

Our current president Dr. Khaula Sawah could not bear to watch the violence unfolding in her beloved home country, she left everything… her family… her job… her safety… just to see what she do to help save lives.

Each UOSSM member has a unique story to share…

UOSSM was founded by the most selfless people…true heroes…who could just not stand by and bear witness to the atrocities against their own people. As the world sees now, this was extremely dangerous for them and their families; at least 949 doctors and medical personnel were deliberately killed throughout the brutal war.

Innocent civilians were targeted…doctors were targeted…hospitals were bombed, yet our team remained committed to saving lives. 13 years later our heroes entered Damascus as Free Syrians, with all the pride and joy they could ever imagine.
We remembered the fallen ones, and honored those who were on the frontlines risking their lives every single day for over 13 years. And we planned to rebuild a better tomorrow where the Syrian people can receive the care they deserve with dignity and respect.
Of course we could not have accomplished anything without our amazing supporters – WE did this together! WE will continue to support the most vulnerable – together, we are saving lives and building hope. #UOSSM #SyriaisFree #Doctors #NotATarget #Medical #Humanitarian #Hope