Gaza Humanitarian Crisis - Provide Emergency
Medical Relief to the Most Vulnerable

The situation in Gaza is dire. Over 2 million people, half of which are children, are facing a humanitarian crisis.

According to Human Rights Watch, at least 28 children have died of malnutrition and dehydration in northern Gaza alone, and 1 in 3 children under 2 are acutely malnourished in Gaza.

The recent war in Gaza left countless families and children homeless, needing immediate medical attention, and basic necessities like water, food, and shelter. Water, food, electricity, basic needs, and medical supplies were cut off while complete neighborhoods were demolished. Thousands of innocent civilians were killed or injured. Thousands are missing. Most hospitals were destroyed or dysfunctional. With lack of power and operating generators, the remaining operating hospitals no longer have the ability to provide care to those in desperate need.

UOSSM USA has been collaborating with local and international reputable, credible organizations, and local humanitarian and healthcare workers, to provide emergency aid, medical and mental health services.  We have already sent over 80 tons of food, milk formula, emergency and medical aid to Gaza, supported over 1200 families with food and other basic needs.

One of our dedicated UOSSM doctors, Dr. Al Kassem, after his return from a medical mission to Gaza, shared a harrowing account that reflected a heartbreaking reality – the people of Gaza are in desperate need of our support.

Dr. Al Kassem said there are over 5000 patients with open wounds. Advanced wound care is vital to ensure proper healing, and the prevention of complications. In addition, there is an urgent need to support the mental health and psychosocial well-being of the displaced families. UOSSM USA is continuing its relief efforts in securing and delivering food essentials to needy families, and needed medical equipment and supplies, and is actively working with local doctors and nurses on the provision of advanced wound care to patients with open wounds, including the use of specialized wound care devices such as “wound vacs”, that are designed for use in crisis areas to treat complicated wounds. These high-quality, specialized wound vacs, were specifically designed with UOSSM technical support during the Syrian crisis, offering effective, quality wound management, at a lower cost, and non-reliant on power. In addition, UOSSM USA is actively working with local psychologists and case workers on initiatives to provide Psychosocial Support Services in displacement camps in Gaza, aiming to address the urgent need for supporting the mental health and psychosocial well-being of displaced families, with focus on women and children.

Recognizing the critical importance of overcoming logistical challenges, including the purchase of the wound vacs from Turkey, procurement of food, transportation, distribution, and the proper use of the wound vac, UOSSM USA is closely collaborating with local and international partners to ensure the seamless delivery of food and aid, and proper utilization of these medical supplies. Our key partnership with Jordanian Hashemite Charity Organization (JHCO) is vital and its support is invaluable, as it is the main organization in Jordan currently aiding all nonprofit entities such as UOSSM USA, PCRF, MSF, Human Appeal, and others in delivering their aid from Jordan to Gaza.

Help us support the most vulnerable families in desperate need. Your generosity will provide a glimmer of hope even in the darkest of times. Now, more than ever, we need to extend  your hearts 🧡and a helping hand to those in need. Your contribution, no matter how small, can make a difference in the lives of many people, who rely on our support 🧡.

The funds will be directed to support our work in Gaza:

  • Medical  and  humanitarian  relief, including provision of medical supplies, food, nutrition, and other basic needs, for affected innocent families.
  • Mental health and psychosocial support services to the most vulnerable, with special focus on women and children. 
  • Medical and advanced wound care

In our work, UOSSM USA adheres to global humanitarian principles and comply with OFAC regulations.

Help us support the most vulnerable. Precious lives are counting on YOU!

UOSSM USA urgently needs your help to provide vital humanitarian and medical relief to the affected families and to the vulnerable children. Please donate to support our efforts. 

 UOSSM USA (Union of Medical Care and Relief Organizations-USA), is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) charitable, independent, medical humanitarian organization, incorporated in the state of Texas, founded by healthcare professionals. We provide life-saving aid, medical care, mental health and protection services, to crisis-affected individuals, irrespective of nationality, ethnicity, gender, religion, or political affiliation, and strengthen education, healthcare systems, and community programs, fostering wellbeing and resilience for sustainable recovery. We work globally in collaboration with local communities and organizations to fulfill our mission, remaining resolutely non-political and non-sectarian.