February 2019

We hope this newsletter finds you in the best of health. We would like to welcome all of our new subscribers and supporters to the UOSSM family. You will receive plenty of new information and updates about our work and activities for this and every month. UOSSM’s 1600+ dedicated staff members in the US and abroad are working hard to make a difference in the lives of Syrians inside Syria and in neighboring countries, and to provide the medical support that is so desperately needed. Thank you for supporting UOSSM USA, together we are saving lives, and building hope.

Check out our website for the latest news, press releases, newsletters, and events! www.uossm.us

UOSSM Activities

UOSSM USA and Syrian American Foundation Will Hold 8th Annual Fundraising Dinner on March 31, 2019

On March 31, 2019 UOSSM USA, in collaboration with Syrian American Foundation, will hold the annual fundraising dinner. The topic will be “Suffering in Silence” discussing the impact the Syrian crisis has had on the Syrian people for over eight years. Please click here to learn more about the event.

UOSSM Opens Mental Health Center in Istanbul

UOSSM held a grand opening of the new mental health center in Istanbul. Attendees of the event included representatives of the Turkish Health Directorate, European Union, Relief International and the Directorate of Health of Asynort. The center will provide mental health care services to Syrian refugees.

UOSSM Doctors Travel to Cox’s Bazar For Medical Mission

UOSSM doctors traveled to Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh for a medical, humanitarian mission from January 28-February 2, 2019. The doctors hoped to provide theoretical and practical training to medical personnel working in the refugee camps of Cox’s Bazar. The training sessions were offered by Dr. Dured Dardari, Associate Professor, Diabetologist at the Sorbonne University in Paris, and Head of the Diabetes Podiatry unit at the Sud-Francilien Hospital Center, Dr. Eric Deschamps, Orthosyst, and Mrs. Marie Bouly, Therapeutic Education Nurse.

UOSSM Co-Organizes Global Syrian Refugees Crisis Conference

The Union of Medical Care and Relief Organizations (UOSSM), along with Global Health Research, Management and Solutions, and Gaziantep University are organizing the (Global Syrian Refugees Crises Conference). The conference dates are scheduled for October 14-18, 2019. The Conference is designed to better understand and address the urgent needs of Syrian refugees in Turkey and throughout the world. Those wishing to participate in the conference may submit a scientific abstract. For more information about the conference and the call for abstract please visit the conference website: https://www.syrianrefugeeconference.com/

Impact Story- Ahmad Has a Dream

Ahmad has a dream…Ahmad was only eight years old when he sustained a brain injury from an attack which led to paralysis, this affected him dramatically. The child was forcibly displaced with his family from Homs to Dayr Hassan Camps. He was sad, distant and did not interact with other children. UOSSM Protection Teams found Ahmad and provided him with mental health support. He was introduced to other children and made friends! The Dayr Hassan Center became his favorite place to be, it was a place where he could be carefree, spend time with friends and have fun! Ahmad dreams of becoming a pediatrician one day so he can help other children. Your support will help him make his dreams come true!