Provide Emergency Relief

Help provide medical aid and relief after a massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake causes catastrophic damage in Turkey and Syria. They need YOUR support!

Help your sisters and brothers in humanity as they struggle to survive a massive earthquake that hit Turkey and Syria, early Monday morning. We need YOUR help to save the lives of those injured and provide them with medical aid and humanitarian relief. Precious lives are at stake, they are counting on YOU!

Over 42,000 people have been killed, tens of  thousands wounded, and millions displaced, after a 7.8 magnitude earthquake caused massive damage in Turkey and Syria early Monday morning. Those numbers are expected to rise dramatically as many buildings collapsed. The number of displaced in Syria and Turkey are in the tens of thousands.There are many reports of complete families buried under the rubble of those buildings. Hospitals are overwhelmed with the number of crush and trauma injuries. At least one hospital in the area is being evacuated after its structure was compromised.

UOSSM is on the ground as hospitals and medical facilities are providing emergency relief to those wounded with trauma and crush injuries.

For non US dollar donations,  click here.

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Your support of our mission is enabling us to continue providing humanitarian medical relief, emergency aid, and health care services to people affected by crisis. Our work involves constantly responding to emergencies and meet the evolving needs. Having our funds unrestricted allows us the flexibility to allocate funds to where they are most needed. Thank you for your support.

Union of Medical Care and Relief Organizations-USA (UOSSM USA) is a nonprofit, medical humanitarian organization that provides impartial lifesaving support, medical relief, and access to high-impact, cost-effective, quality healthcare and mental health services to people affected by crisis, regardless of nationality, ethnicity, gender, religion, or political affiliation.