Updates and Activities from UOSSM USA

I hope this newsletter update finds you in the best of health. As the emergency situation continues in Gaza, we were delayed in sending monthly updates on our work.

As we resume with our newsletters/updates, we would like to dedicate this edition to honor the memory of our psychologist counselor, Amany Al Derby (35 years old), who was killed along with her four children after her home was bombed in an airstrike on May 7. Amany was just hired and began working on our mental health project in Gaza for only one week. Our hearts and condolences go out to her family, and to all the innocent victims, may they all rest in peace.


Our Medical and Humanitarian Relief Efforts in Gaza

Since November 2023, UOSSM USA has been working tirelessly to alleviate the suffering of innocent civilians and displaced families in Gaza. The need is overwhelming but thanks to our supporters, we are making a difference!

We shipped 70 pallets with over 53 tons of medical and humanitarian aid, medical supplies, food baskets, blankets, sleeping bags, hygiene kits, first aid kits, baby formula, and baby diapers. In addition, we aided other organizations in sending 370 pallets of humanitarian aid to Gaza.

Currently, we have staff on the ground working on our medical project, mental health project, and continued humanitarian relief. Our teams have cooked and distributed meals, including Adahi meat and rice, to several hundred of the most needy and displaced families. We also have provided vegetables, chicken, and other essentials. In addition, our team on the ground has been providing cash assistance.

Medical and Mental Health Projects in Gaza

Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Project (MHPSS)

Through this project, UOSSM USA, in partnership with UOSSM Canada, is contributing to improving the well-being and the resilience in the war-affected communities in Gaza, fostering the mental health conditions of the war-affected populations by providing free-of-charge, specialized mental health services, which will alleviate the psychological and social impacts of the crisis.

The MHPSS teams are targeting both locals and internally displaced persons (IDPs) including children, women, and men, who may have signs and symptoms of one or more mental health disorders. The project is also focusing on frontline health workers in Gaza including nurses and paramedics by providing capacity-building trainings on mental health related topics to increase their knowledge on detection and referrals of cases in need for mental health services.

Our MHPSS teams are providing the following:

  • MHPSS Services-Group Awareness Raising Sessions
  • Parenting Skills
  • Psychosocial Support Services (PSS) Activities for Children – Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
  • Training and Capacity Building

Our teams have already provided MHPSS services to over 2400 people – the majority are children and women!

Advanced Wound Care/Health Project

The goal of the advanced wound care health project is to enhance trauma care capabilities and response to war wounds and other wounds in Gaza by distributing vacuum-assisted closure (VAC) devices and delivering essential medications and medical supplies.

Through the combined efforts of providing advanced wound care technology and ensuring the availability of essential medical supplies, this project aims to create a comprehensive support system for patients with wounds, ultimately leading to better health outcomes and a stronger healthcare infrastructure in Gaza.

To date, we have received and delivered 23 pallets of essential medical supplies and over 1000 Wound VAC Devices in Gaza, and have provided medical services including advanced treatment with wound VAC devices, medical consultations (outpatient and inpatient services, and home visits), and surgeries in Gaza to 3950 patients.

Special Needs Rehabilitation Center – Idlib, Syria

Our Special Needs Rehabilitation Center (SNR) in Idlib continues to provide vital services to children with special needs. On average, our team of specialists provide 200 consultations a month for services including: speech and hearing disorders services, and services for children with special needs. In addition, our team provides group awareness sessions about SNR concerns for parents in addition to PSS activities. This is all to ease any difficulties these children experience, and to help them realize a promising future.
Orphan Sponsorship Program – Idlib, Syria

After the devastating earthquake in Syria/Turkey in 2023, and years of war, there are now 1.2 million orphans in northern Syria. In response, UOSSM launched a unique program that provides full sponsorship support for the most vulnerable orphans and their caregivers by providing comprehensive support through individualized child protection case management services. Our team follows up with each orphan- assess his/her health and mental wellbeing, protect them from potential domestic violence, or psychological abuse, ensure safe access to education, address housing issues, and cater to any disabilities and additional needs.We also provide monthly cash assistance and organize psychosocial support services for both the orphans and their caregivers.

Our team continues to support 150 of the most vulnerable orphans in northwest Syria through this program. In addition, we have been providing psychosocial support with evidence-based programs, along with parenting skills programs for caregivers. We distributed food baskets during Ramadan, and Adahi meat during Eid Al Adha to the orphan families. This past month we held a field day for the children where our team took the children to a restaurant and held fun outdoor activities and fun games to play! They had a great time!

Updates from Jordan

Our mental health and psychosocial support services (MHPSS) team at the Jordan office continues to provide MHPSS in east Amman, and northern Jordan, in particular Ramtha, Jarash, and Maadaba. We have been providing these MHPSS services since 2021.

This year we have already provided services to over 6000 people. During Eid, and in partnership with Jordan Hashemite Charity Organization, we provided Eid clothes to 365 needy and refugee families. Our team also distributed Adahi meat to needy families.

A Heartwarming Story of Survival; of Resilience 
Today, we bring to you a story of hope…of resilience…of sheer strength. 16 year old Osama from Gaza, was born with no arms, (his mother was exposed to phosphorous gases during the war in 2008 while she was pregnant with him.) He did not let that stop him! He learned how to use his feet for everything. He can sew, and he draws brilliant artwork! This is a story of survival and of adapting to the most difficult of circumstances despite war, displacement, and physical disabilities.

But he is only human, he was experiencing depression during these difficult times of war and displacement. Our mental health team on the ground helped him and he is now in a much better place!

We are so grateful to our supporters who enable us to bring hope to the most vulnerable every single day!

Together, we continue to save lives and build hope🧡.